Установка UnrealIRCD + сервисы Anope

Do you want to enable the server anti-spoof protection?
[No] ->  Просто жмем Enter.
What directory are all the server configuration files in?
[/home/ircd/unreal] -> Просто жмем Enter.
What is the path to the ircd binary including the name of the binary?
[/home/ircd/unreal/src/ircd] -> Просто жмем Enter.
Would you like to compile as a hub or as a leaf?
Type Hub to select hub and Leaf to select leaf.
[Hub] -> Просто жмем Enter 
What is the hostname of the server running your IRCd?
[localhost] -> Просто жмем Enter.
What should the default permissions for your configuration files be? (Set this to 0 to disable)
It is strongly recommended that you use 0600 to prevent unwanted reading of the file
[0600] -> Просто жмем Enter 
Do you want to support SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connections?
[No] -> Вводим Yes и жмем Enter.
If you know the path to OpenSSL on your system, enter it here. If not
leave this blank
[] ->  Вводим /usr/ и жмем enter.
Do you want to enable IPv6 support?
[No] -> Просто жмем Enter.
Do you want to enable ziplinks support?
[No] ->Вводим Yes и жмем Enter.
If you know the path to zlib on your system, enter it here. If not
leave this blank
[] -> Просто жмем Enter.
Do you want to enable remote includes?
[No] -> Просто жмем Enter.
Do you want to enable prefixes for chanadmin and chanowner?
This will give +a the & prefix and ~ for +q (just like +o is @)
Supported by the major clients (mIRC, xchat, epic, eggdrop, Klient,
PJIRC, irssi, CGI:IRC, etc.)
This feature should be enabled/disabled network-wide.
[Yes] -> Просто жмем Enter.
What listen() backlog value do you wish to use?  Some older servers
have problems with more than 5, others work fine with many more.
[5] -> Просто жмем Enter.
How far back do you want to keep the nickname history?
[2000] -> Просто жмем Enter.
What is the maximum sendq length you wish to have?
[3000000] -> Просто жмем Enter.
How many buffer pools would you like?
This number will be multiplied by MAXSENDQLENGTH.
[18] -> Просто жмем Enter.
How many file descriptors (or sockets) can the IRCd use?
[1024] -> Просто жмем Enter.

Теперь делаем вот так(данные вводим свои)
Country Name [US]:RU
State/Province [New York]:kovrov
Locality Name (eg, city) []:kv
Organization Name (eg, company) [IRC geeks]:IRCD pen
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [IRCd]:irc
Common Name (Full domain of your server) []:irc.ircpen.ru

После того как это закончится, пишем:

теперь нам надо скопировать конфиг, для этого пишем:
cp doc/example.ru.conf unrealircd.conf

Теперь приступаем к редактированию конфига,для это пишем:
nano unrealircd.conf

или заливаем файл к себе на домашний ПК с помошью ftp( если у вас VDS/VPS) и там уже редактируем.
И так 39-40 строка,раскоментируем модули, находим:
//loadmodule "src/modules/commands.so";
//loadmodule "src/modules/cloak.so";

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